Enhancing Salesforce Administration with Selectiva’s Innovative Tool

March 14, 2024
Enhancing Salesforce Administration with Selectiva's Innovative Tool_image.

Client Overview:

Selectiva, a distinguished software development company, collaborated with one of the leading Salesforce partners to create an advanced Salesforce Admin tool. This tool leverages cutting-edge technologies, including the Salesforce.com platform, Lightning, Apex Language, HTML, JavaScript/jQuery, and the Aura framework. The goal was to simplify the management of multiple apps and sandbox environments within a Lightning-enabled single Salesforce.com (SFDC) instance, empowering administrators to handle routine tasks and navigate complex installations efficiently.

Project Overview:

The Salesforce Admin tool developed by Selectiva provides a seamless experience for administrators by consolidating multiple functions into a centralized Lightning-enabled SFDC instance. Its primary objective is empowering experienced and novice administrators to manage a complex SFDC installation effortlessly.

Key Features:

  • Granular Access Control: The tool facilitates access at various levels, including user, profile, Permission Set, and organization. It ensures administrators have the necessary control to manage permissions and configurations precisely.
  • Centralized Management: Administrators can efficiently manage multiple organizational data through a single, user-friendly interface. The tool allows for the quick comparison of users, profiles, and Permission Sets on a single page, streamlining the process of overseeing multiple instances.
  • Enhanced Visibility: The tool provides:
    • Enhanced visibility into the Salesforce environment
    • Allowing administrators to gain insights into user roles
    • Profiles
    • Permission sets across different orgs

This feature is handy for administrators dealing with complex installations and large datasets.

  • Effortless Sandbox Management: With the ability to manage multiple sandbox environments from a single instance, the tool simplifies routine administrative tasks. This includes data comparison, configuration updates, and ensuring consistency across sandboxes.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with both novice and experienced administrators in mind, the tool boasts an intuitive user interface. It brings the experience of an experienced admin to even those with limited expertise, ensuring a smooth learning curve and increased productivity.

Technology Stack:

  • Salesforce.com Platform: Leveraging the power of the Salesforce platform, the tool integrates seamlessly with existing Salesforce instances, ensuring compatibility and scalability.
  • Lightning: The Lightning framework enhances the user interface, providing a modern and responsive design for a superior user experience.
  • Apex Language: The use of Apex language enables the execution of complex logic and business processes within the Salesforce environment, ensuring the tool’s functionality aligns with the diverse needs of administrators.
  • HTML: HTML is employed to structure and present information clearly and organized, contributing to the tool’s user-friendly interface.
  • JavaScript/jQuery: Dynamic and interactive features are implemented through JavaScript and jQuery, enhancing the tool’s overall user experience and responsiveness.
  • Aura Framework: The Aura framework facilitates the development of a scalable and extensible application, ensuring that the tool can adapt to evolving requirements and technologies.


Selectiva’s collaboration with a leading Salesforce partner resulted in creation of a powerful Salesforce Admin tool that significantly enhances the efficiency and ease of Salesforce administration. By combining a robust technology stack with innovative features, the tool empowers administrators to manage multiple apps and sandbox environments with unparalleled comfort. The user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities position the device as a valuable asset for novice and experienced administrators, contributing to increased productivity and streamlined administrative processes.